Saturday, May 26, 2012

Flashing Lights

   Last weekend Hope and I tried using an external flash with color films. We used really slow shutter speeds ranging from 8-25 seconds. Because the shutter speed was so slow, we were both able to get into the picture. However, we found that if the subject of the photo flashed the flash, then they appeared washed out. To alleviate this problem, we usually just had one person in the picture, and the other in charge of the flash. Towards the end of our shoot we took out some glow sticks and made cool stripes of color!

Our first attempt

It was very difficult to focus the camera due to the fact it was pitch black outside.

We made the color going across the picture by swinging a glow stick in front of the camera for the last several seconds of the exposure.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Artist Statement

   Another component of our portfolio was to write an artist statement, this is mine.

Artist Statement

I am a photographer because I love to capture moments and objects in life in my

photography. When I have done my best on an assignment, I feel good about the work I have

completed, and I am proud of my photographs. I strive for excellence, because if I don’t, I feel

like I am cheating myself out of an opportunity to be successful.

Often times while venturing out to take photos for either a class assignment or just for

fun, I find myself photographing everything but people. I like to capture plants, animals,

landscapes, and buildings-almost everything. The only time I enjoy photographing people, is

when I know them. Otherwise, I feel too awkward and have difficulty focusing on capturing the

person. One of my favorite parts about photography is seeing the results of a shoot. I enjoy all

aspects of the photographic process, but I especially enjoy looking back and discovering how my

In my portfolio, I have a wide variety of my work throughout the year. I have

incorporated landscapes, portraits, and inanimate objects. I feel as though my photos have

become stronger through the year as I have learned different techniques, such as rules of thirds

and selective focus. My strongest piece is a black and white photograph of reflections in a

storefront window. I chose to put this photograph into black and white so that there is no

separation of the outside colors and those in the store. I love how there are many way to interpret

the various shapes of the reflection. One of my favorite photos is of my sister on our rope swing.

I used panning to capture the blur of the background, yet keep her profile in focus. I think the

greens and blues in the photograph are compatible.

This year of photography has been a learning experience for me. I came into the class

knowing some, but not a lot about the subject. I now find myself looking at the world through a

lens, I am constantly thinking about what would make a good photograph. I have enjoyed going

into depth and learning how to make my photos stronger. Next year I am enrolled to take

Commercial Photography and hope to further my photographic career.


   For our final exam grade, we compiled ten of our best photos into a portfolio to turn in. These our the photos I chose to use.

From the Imitation Assignment

From the Everyday Life Assignment

From the Grid Project Assignment
From the Landscape Assignment
From the Portraiture Assignment
From the Portraiture Assignment
From the Portraiture Assignment
From the Advertisement Assignment
From the Motion Assignment

From the Still Life Assignment


   For this assignment we got to choose a product, and then go into the studio and shoot it. We used layer masking to add text and make an advertisement. I chose Nutella, and brought in hazelnuts and buttercups as props to make an advertisement. These are my final two photos.

Grid Project

   For this assignment we each chose a grid of Charlottesville to photograph. My grid was around the University of Virginia area. Our task was capture what went on the grid, in a photojournalism fashion. We also needed to ask for people's names to make captions for out photos.

The lighting isn't great, but I love his expression.

Michael serves noodles from his dumpling truck, Got Dumplings, on the UVA campus.

Michael serves noodles from his dumpling truck, Got Dumplings, on the UVA campus.

Andrew approaches a fellow student to request she donates her textbooks to raise money for AIDS awareness.

Phil (left) stands while Andrew (right) talks with a fellow student.

Garrett Hall on the UVA campus.