Monday, November 28, 2011

Freezing Life

This latest assignment has been on using different shutter speeds, depending on the look you want to achieve. Our goal was to try using different shutter speeds to capture motion. To do this, I used my sister on our rope swing as my subject. Here's how it turned out..

Panning (my personal favorite).

I like how in this photo, and the one below, her hands are moving, but the rest of her is still.

 I also decided to take some picture of my neighbor's Christmas lights, but with a twist. In order to achieve this, I used a slower shutter speed, and right after I pressed the shutter button, I quickly zoomed in and out. This made the image look almost like a spiral of lights. Take a look..

Lastly, I was having a small campfire in my backyard with my family on Saturday. I wanted to capture the glow of the fire, without it looking washed out. So, I used a fast shutter speed, causing lighter parts of the fire to be black and the brighter portion to be an orange glow. I thought they turned out pretty cool..

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fall Still Life

Lately, in class, we have been learning about aperture, shutter speed and depth of field.By changing the depth of field, it alters how much of the image is in focus, similar to selective focus. The depth of field can be controlled by using the Aperture Priority setting on the camera. Using an aperture setting in the range of 5.6 and 7.1 worked best for me to achieve these images.
Our objective for this particular assignment was to photograph a still life. To complete this, I decided to set up a backdrop and arrange various items on it. Here is how they turned out..

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

School Through New Eyes

The other day our photography class took a walk around the outside of our school, taking pictures. Here are some of my better ones..